Broken Leg !

Monday, July 1, 2013

Hey bloggers  !
Soccer - The one of the best things that ever happened to me and this passion led to many good days, won many tournaments, over'all it was a good career. Not a long one but one heck of a crazy one !
Broke my leg during the game not so long back, it just been a couple of months, painful couple of  months.Broke my Tibia and Fibula of the right leg, following with a surgery planting a metal rod.

That's with the plaster cast. It's been cut off and m a free man now, but still can't able to walk. Slowly and steadily trying to walk , learning to walk from the basic.
It's a lil annoying and frustrating, but what-can-do-amigo !
That's all for now, see y'all later !